Morning Green Juice3 Kale Leaves 1 Big Handful Spinach Small Handful of Parsley 3 Stalks Celery 1/3 - 1/2 Cucumber 1/2 Green Apple 1 Small Lemon (Optional:...
Decadent Tuffles3/4 cup Raw, Local Honey 1/2 cup Organic Coconut Oil 1 cup Finely Shredded Coconut 2 cups Raw Cacao (Optional: a big pinch of Celtic Sea...
Chocolate Nut Butter Smoothie1 tbsp Almond Butter 1/2 Frozen Banana 1 pitted Date 1 tbsp Raw Cacao 1 cup Nut Milk (I use Almond) Blend well, and pour into a glass to...