Hi! I’m Leslie.
I’m a holistic nutritionist, yoga therapist, and lover of all things wellness, living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
My biggest love and passion is helping women balance their hormones and enhance their fertility to make and grow a health babies, and experience joyful, healthy pregnancies.
Before I began my wellness journey, it was my experience that whenever I would have a symptom of anything pop up, I was advised to take a pill. Cramps? Headache? Bloating? Breaking out? Take this. No one ever suggested looking deeper to find the underlying cause or looking at the whole picture of my wellness, instead of covering up my symptoms with a band-aid that only aggravated the underlying issue over time.
In the women I have worked with, I have found that this has been their experience too. When they find their way to me, they are feeling exhausted, bloated, experiencing miserable periods, and are know in their gut they can be doing more to heal their bodies.
I have experienced all of those things too, and because of that, I was very intentional about preparing my body for pregnancy. I approached enhancing my health and fertility from all angles, and it brings me so much joy to guide other women through that same journey.
When we balance hormones and prepare the body for pregnancy instead of going straight in, not only can we increase the health of the child, reduce risk of complications in pregnancy, and conceive more quickly, but we set ourselves up for a pregnancy filled with joy and ease, and a shorter, easier healing process postpartum.
If that is your dream too, come join our community the Hopeful Mama Collective, where you'll find support in preparing for pregnancy, live trainings, and so much more. Can't wait to connect with you soon!
All my love and big hugs,
10 Things you don't know about me . . .
I am slowly turning my house into a registered rain forest, much to my husband’s dismay. I’m addicted to plants.
When I first starting learning about the world’s religions in 6th grade, I came home and asked my mom if I could do it professionally. She laughed me off. In high school I set my sights on medical school, but got distracted by my good Jesuit, liberal arts education at Boston College and ended up double majoring in Theology and Philosophy.
My mom is Colombian, and my obsession with plantains is serious. Fried plantains would be my final meal, without a doubt. Preferably with a side of black beans and guacamole! I am my mother’s daughter.
My typical restaurant order is hot water with lemon, a big salad, and a side of french fries. Because, #balance.
My husband, our very sassy lab Pema, and I moved from Aspen, Colorado to Seattle a few years ago for him to get his MBA. We thought we’d head straight back to Colorado after graduation, but the day we arrived here we knew Seattle was it. It was love at first sight.

My biggest dream is to open a farm sanctuary. I am an animal lover to a fault (if there is such a thing) and one day I will rescue all the animals who need rescuing! Especially baby goats.
When I was a senior at BC, I ran the Boston Marathon to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I ran in honor of my favorite human, my husband, who is a survivor who inspires me every day to kick butt and take names.
I studied in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Nepal in college. It was the best, most magical experience of my entire life.
I love trail running. I feel like Pocahontas running through the trees and sometimes I sing while I do it too.
I am mildly obsessed with sea otters. I am a member at the Seattle Aquarium and you can often find me there, with my face smushed against the glass. They are the cutest and happiest creatures I’ve ever seen. Ever.
Hang with me on social media xx